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What is a Phase IA/IB study?The development of transportation projects is a multi-phased, multi-year process that involves a significant commitment of technical and financial resources. Project development involves six major phases including (1) long-range planning, (2) prioritization and programming, (3) study scoping and conceptual design (4) preliminary and final design, (5) construction, and (6) maintenance and performance monitoring. The Route 66 Improved Project has just initiated the third phase, study scoping and conceptual design. A study is crucial to the development process and is broken down into three distinct phases commonly referred to as Phase IA, IB and IC. Phase IA and IB serve to develop, evaluate, and refine the range of possible alternatives to achieve the need for an action. Phase IC involves preparation of an environmental document and subsequent processing in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. To learn more about the study process, visit
Why is this study being completed?In 2019, NMDOT and City of Gallup developed the Gallup Area Transportation Safety Plan and identified unsafe conditions along the Route 66 (NM 118) corridor in Gallup. The NMDOT initiated the Route 66 Improved Project in 2021 to further study the corridor, identify possible solutions, and develop a priority plan for future construction. The project limits were also expanded to include Milepost 11 to Milepost 27 along the corridor.
What is the purpose of the study?The purpose of the Route 66 Improved Project is to conduct research, solicit input and identify the solution to reduce crashes, mitigate congestion and enhance safety along the corridor.
When will construction begin?The final study report will include a recommended priority plan for further developing and constructing individual improvement projects identified in the study. Funding for these projects has not yet been identified. Upon completion of the study and when funding is identified, further public outreach and environmental studies will be undertaken as individual projects are advanced towards design and construction.
How can I provide input?If you could not attend, watch the virtual public meeting from Feb. 9, 2023 here. The project team has extended the public comment period through March 27, 2023 to allow for more public input. ​ Call, email or mail comments to the Route 66 Improved project team using the contact information below. Hotline: (505) 418-4900 Email: Mail: Route 66 Improved Project c/o Horrocks 6001 Indian School Rd NE, Ste 250 Albuquerque, NM 87110 ​ Fill out an online comment form.
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